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From the Head Teacher, Miss Deborah Boekestein

Hello and a big welcome to Inglewood Community Nursery and Infant School. Here we believe "Everyone Matters". We all work very hard to ensure that our school is a happy, safe and secure environment for everyone. We aim to make learning fun and welcome the views of the whole school community. Why don't you come along and see for yourself. If you have any, comments, queries or suggestions please get in touch using our "contact us" form.





'Everyone Matters'

"Pupils are happy, safe and secure in school. There is always a warm welcome from staff at the start of the day. Children in the Nursery class cannot wait to find their favourite toys to play with each day. Older pupils enjoy playing with friends in the spacious grounds at break times. Pupils new to the school soon feel at home here."

Ofsted Inspection January 2023